Human is a complex organism. It is not easy to define it simply within certain rules because there are gray areas in between the blacks and ...
Helplessness of Modern People
There are times when we go out of the house and ask ourselves: "Did I turn off the cooker?" or "Did I lock the door?" We go back to see if we ...
Hardest Thing of The Life
Each time our heart beats, each time we breath in and out or each time we daydream while gazing at the sky, we actually make a decision: Living ...
In The Middle Of Emptiness
I’ve rented my car from Casablanca and I’m heading south. My purpose is to see the Sahara desert. I found myself a guide on my way. Together ...
Photography and Art
Especially together with the digital photography, I see that concepts such as photographer, artist, photography artist, fine art photography are ...
Performance of Canon 5D Under Extreme Natural Conditions
Independent organizations who assess performances of cameras usually share the results that they get from tests of ISO performance (noise level), ...
A Simple Test For Diagnosing Eclipse of Reason
There have always been masters, gurus and spiritual leaders who exploited the meaning quest of modern human in the claws of capitalism. How do we ...
Seeking Happiness in American Personal Growth Books
John was fired from his most recent job as well. When he got home, he saw his wife with unpaid bills in her hand. After a dispute that night, his ...
Understanding Evolution With A Handful Of Dice
Imagine you’re holding a handful of dice. There is a table in front of you. You are asked to place all the dice with the number 6 facing up on ...
What Do We Feel When We Look At a Photo?
''Why do we like or dislike a photo?'', ''What are the stages of evaluating a photo?'', ''What do we think when we look at a photo?'' I will try ...